
I do photographs. Quite often, quite a lot. One of my main characteristics is that I carry a camera every day, from the minute I put on undies. Photography relies a lot on luck, and luck cannot be forced. However, one can try to encourage it.

I dress my photographs with vaguely relevant musics because an ear is an eye’s best friend; I introduce them often with stupid titles because silly puns count as some of my best friends. From time to time, I associate it all by haunting concert venues. The only things that attract me as much as the silence of dim corners are the decibels of dark theaters and those who spit them.

I am more night than day, winter than summer, mountain than beach, cold than hot, wide-angle than anything else, Rolling Stones than Beatles, city than country, coffee than tea. The fotoapparat and me do love girls, rock n’roll and Paris, along with some other cities.

And I am found of ponies.

For any need, question or information or to ask for using a picture from this belögue, feel free to get me through this.

Thanks for dropping by,
